Monthly Archives for September 2016

How I tackled CryptoLocker

Windows general - Frane Borozan - September 9, 2016

CryptoLocker and its variants are ransomware viruses that re-appeared in 2013. We were attacked by the CryptoLocker virus, and decided to implement a new policy that would outsmart the cryptolocker virus. Find out what we did.

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Windows 10: Share a VPN Connection

VPN, Windows general - Frane Borozan - September 8, 2016

How to share a VPN connection on Windows 10? I've managed to find a solution for this feature/issue, however you like to call it. Check out what you need to do!

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Upgrading from DirSync to Azure Active Directory Connect

Active Directory - Frane Borozan - September 5, 2016

I’ll discuss my experience with upgrading from DirSync to Azure Active Directory Connect and how I ran into some issues after the installation was complete. I had a hard time figuring out why weren’t my settings automatically applied causing the server to suspend active synchronization. Here's how I managed to…

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