Monthly Archives for April 2014

Microsoft publishes Remote Desktop Preview for Windows Phone 8.1

Windows Phone - Frane Borozan - April 25, 2014

Finally Microsoft announced Remote Desktop Preview for Windows Phone 8.1. Some time I have it on the iPad and I must admit application is really something different and easy to use while on the road. I have Windows Phone 8 for two years now and one of the crucial tools on…

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Ain’t Nobody got time for that: Always Ask Before Opening This Type of File

Windows general - Frane Borozan - April 16, 2014

If you deal with Outlook all day long like I and opening a lot of attachments you are probably annoyed with this little warningThis means for every PDF, DOC or HTML I need to open I need to click open twice, once on the document and second time to click…

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